Tell us what to do

It costs a lot to go to college.

Tuition, textbooks, rent and food are just some of the things we have to spend our money on. We also often have no choice about how our student fees are spent. The administration, it seems, can allocate the funds however they want, and sometimes that doesn”t quite match up with student opinions.

But that”s not entirely true.

As representatives of the student body, ASUI has a say in how students” money is spent. The ASUI President has direct influence upon student activity fees. Student organizations apply for funding through the ASUI Funding Board. ASUI Senate can donate money to different causes on campus, like Vandal Entertainment events, Finals Fest concerts and Homecoming fireworks.

That”s why voting for ASUI candidates matters. ASUI spends your money, so tell us how to do it.

Vote for candidates who advocate for causes and changes you care about. Vote for candidates who will spend your money the way you would. Vote for candidates who represent you.

If you don”t see adequate representation for yourself, I encourage you to run for a position in ASUI next semester. ASUI is about making college better for everyone. We”re not just here for Greek students or political science majors. We”re here for everyone. We”re here for you. Help us make UI better. Vote.

Voting is Monday at 8 a.m. through Wednesday at 5 p.m. Check your VandalMail for the link. Results of the election will be announced Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Idaho Commons Rotunda.

Brianna Larson, ASUI Elections Coordinator

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