Life hacks: curing a cold

Being sick sucks, and while spring usually marks the end of cold season, we”re coming up on allergy season in Moscow. Whether you”ve caught an untimely spring fever or are sneezing at anything that blooms in your general direction, here are some life hacks to ease the inconvenience of feeling sick.

Mary Phipps

Sore throat?

Make some Jell-O. Instead of chilling it, stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then add a teaspoon of honey. The warm gelatin will soothe your throat and the honey will help kill bacteria.

Feeling Nauseous?

Drink ginger tea. I”m not much of a tea drinker, but ginger has effective properties for soothing a natural remedy most doctors recommend to this day.

Chapped Nose?

Some people use Vaseline, but that can be super uncomfortable. Use actual Chap Stick for this. It”s more effective and will stay on when you blow your nose again. Just make sure and mark the tube to avoid accidentally using it on your lips afterward.

Feeling Sluggish?

Stay hydrated. Your body is using so much energy to attack your cold that you need to be drinking more water than usual. That”s why doctors always say “drink fluids.” A good water target is to drink half of your body weight in ounces.


Slather the bottom of your feet with Vics. The menthol is absorbed best through the pores in your feet, plus you will get a constant whiff without burning your nose.


Submerge your hands and feet in hot water while putting a bag of frozen food or an ice pack at the back of youhead. The heat will pull the blood from your head, and the ice pack will keep your upper body cool.

Stuffy nose?

Place an ice cube on your tongue and hold it to the roof of your mouth for thirty seconds. This is meant to help your swollen nasal valves to contract so that congestion clears. If this doesn”t work, result to wasabi. It works every time.

As always, make sure that you”re getting rest, eating well and drinking plenty of water. Hopefully these hacks help you out, and please stay healthy.

Mary Phipps can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Mary Phipps Hi! I'm Mary. I choose to radiate good vibes and sunshine!

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