As the stress of dead week piles on, University of Idaho students can take part in events and programs going on during dead week intended to allow students to take a break from their studying to clear their minds and relax.
Emily Tuschhoff, a health education coordinator with Vandal Health, said the programs are being put on by multiple organizations on campus, including Vandal Health, Vandal Nutrition, Campus Recreation and ASUI.
“The intended goal is for students to take a break from their studies,” Tuschhoff said. “By taking a break and taking care of yourself, it can make going back to studying a lot more productive.”
During dead week, students can take part in yoga classes at the Student Recreation Center every day at various times. Students can also attend chair massages in the Idaho Commons Tuesday through Thursday, a “Pause for Paws” event Wednesday and a Holiday Movie Binge Thursday. There will also be a Holiday Concert Friday in the Kibbie Dome.
“When you are studying all week and you take a moment to de-stress, it has great benefits because you can”t continuously study and expect to do well without taking break,” said Monica Dierkin, a peer health educator at Vandal Health.
It may seem as though studying for hours on end is the only way to pass the exam, but Dierkin said the smart thing to do is let the mind take a break so it can take the time to process all of the information.
Tuschhoff said students should take a moment to take care of their health, whether it be cooking a healthy dinner, working out at the Student Recreation Center or attending a free yoga class.
“Just make sure to do something to relieve the pressure and buildup of studying,” Tuschhoff said. “By taking the time to take a breath you will be prepared to go back and tackle studying at full force.”
Tuschhoff said there are programs spread out around campus to allow every student to take advantage of what is being offered.
UI will also host a Kram for the Exam event, which will be held at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in the UI Library. Students can head to the library to study and snacks will be offered during the event. Even though this is a stressful time of the year, students need to be prepared to study, but also to take breaks and relax, Tuschhoff said.
“Our hope is to have students finish the semester strong and ready for the holidays,” Tuschhoff said.
Tuschhoff said students should not be overwhelmed by stress and should take advantage of campus resources during dead week to ensure success.
Kristen Bertoloni can be reached at