For the kids – Toys for Tots expands throughout the Palouse

Before Julie Latrell took on the job of improving the Toys for Tots program on the Palouse as part of her master”s program, participation in the area was minimal.

In 2013, the results for the program shattered previous records, said Julie”s husband Edwin Latrell.

“We collected 350 toys and 2,500 plus dollars in that 72-hour window,” Edwin said.

After Julie completed her master”s degree, Edwin said he decided to lead the Toys for Tots program on the Palouse until he graduates from the University of Idaho.

Last year, the program expanded to form a competition between the university”s sororities and fraternities. Though the idea to involve the Greek system didn”t come from Edwin, he said the idea was a no brainer.

“They care,” he said. “They”re always doing charity work. They”re always trying to improve the community that they live in.”

Involving UI”s Greek system broke the records for toy collection for 2014, Edwin said. This year, Toys for Tots will expand even further on the Palouse as Edwin is working to involve WSU”s Greek system and UI”s various colleges to involve Vandals who are not a part of Greek life.

As the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve runs the Toys for Tots program, Edwin said the expansion was inspired by his wife”s idea to use members of the Marine Corps to interact with members of the community.

“Having a person on that box, having a physical person to engage, that made all the difference,” Edwin said. “That”s why last year I walked to every single Greek house, and I said “Hi, this is me. This is my son Charles. We”re here to help children who are not as fortunate as my son.””

Edwin said he is confident the results of this year”s toy drive will break last year”s record due to the expansion to UI”s colleges and WSU”s Greek community.

Yet, he said he wants to keep realistic goals for the future and wants the program to remain sustainable even after he stops leading it.

“You want to watch the things you do survive,” he said.

Edwin said he has enjoyed his experience coordinating the program, and as a father he enjoyed watching his son get involved as well.

Last year Edwin said his son took a large portion of his chore money to buy two LEGO sets – one for himself and a much more expensive set that he donated to Toys for Tots.

“To watch my son not give two thoughts about giving the better gift, the more expensive gift, to someone else – that was awesome,” Edwin said.

The weeklong competition runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4, but Edwin said the entire campaign lasts six weeks. Toy collections are also set for Black Friday and the Dec. 5, as well as the weekend of UI”s winter graduation.

Erin Bamer can be reached at or on Twitter @ErinBamer

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