While my love of music may be infinite, my finances are not. It”s tempting to buy every Beatles vinyl ever and blow $250 on some high-end headphones, but decisions must be made. The following is a practical guide to determining which purchases are sensible and which ones would be best left on the optimistic Christmas list emailed to your parents.
1. Turntable
Pro: Turntables, record players, what have you – they”re cool. A track on vinyl admittedly has more dimensions than a digital version, and no hipster can deny the aesthetic pleasure of walking into a room and seeing a powder blue Crosley record player casually adorning a shelf.
Con: Turntables may possess the cool factor, but the cheap factor? Not so much. While the record player itself may not cost an arm and a leg, the vinyl collection needed to house a broad music selection does.
Verdict: In theory, a turntable may prove a music lover”s true dedication to the music-loving identity, but this item is best left off the Christmas list.
2. Physical CD/iTunes album
Pro: By purchasing the album, the listener is directly supporting the band, which can create a warm, fuzzy feeling. Unwrapping a fresh CD, its surface unscathed, or seeing that iTunes album you”d pre-ordered become available for listening leaves the consumer feeling that all the anticipation of the album was worth it.
Con: With music streaming easily accessible and cheap (oftentimes free), it”s hard to justify purchasing the entire album for $15 when a monthly Spotify Premium subscription, which would give you unlimited access to the album and thousands of others, costs less.
Verdict: Supporting your favorite artist is a wonderful feeling, but if you have to think twice about dipping into your own bank account for it, you may as well just stream the album.
3. High-end headphones
Pro: Many students would never be caught walking from class to class without headphones in. Headphones accompany almost everyone everywhere they go during the day. Buying a high-end pair of either buds or a full-on studio set could be easily justified by use alone.
Con: This will take some serious research. Good headphones don”t come cheap, so finding a style that fits both your personality and yours ears will take some hunting.
Verdict: This is one thing many parents would be happy to gift to their music-loving college student. If you go the Christmas list route, however, consider involving yourself in the shopping process.
4. New car speakers
Pro: Many college students spend a decent amount of time in their cars, and odds are the stereo is always playing. Because of this, sound quality could be a top priority for many. Massive subs may not be the answer, but new speakers can enhance any road trip. There”s a big difference between stock stereo systems and something fancier. The investment may be worth considering.
Con: It”s important to consider whether it”s actually worth the beefy chunk of change it will take to replace a stereo system. For one, how long is the car expected to last? Is it a hunk of junk? If so, I”d consider saving money for a car that will last and that already has a decent speaker system in it, instead of risking having a car with a stereo system worth more than the car itself.
Verdict: A new stereo system is certainly an investment, though well-worth it for the right person in the right car. Whatever decision you make, be sure it involves careful consideration.
5. Concert tickets
Pro: Seeing an incredible band or artist in person is an irreplaceable experience. The studio version of the albums will still be good, but never the same after breathing the same air as the musicians that made the soundtrack. Plus there are the concert t-shirts that prove a concertgoer”s true allegiance to the band, and that concert high that peaks at the opening song and doesn”t wane until days later.
Con: Downfalls to purchasing concert tickets “¦ are “¦ actually, just buy the dang tickets.
Verdict: Memories have no price. YOLO.
Lyndsie Kiebert can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @lyndsie_kiebert