What homecoming means to me: What makes a hero a hero–Why Homecoming Week honors the real heroes of UI

Homecoming Week has officially arrived at University of Idaho. The theme? “A Hero”s Homecoming.”

Kristen Bertoloni

To be honest, I was initially disappointed when the theme was announced. It seemed overused. My high school had done the same thing one year for a previous homecoming.

But unlike my high school homecoming, where the theme was based on super heroes such as Superman, Batman and Captain America, the focus for the university”s theme is to honor real heroes like students and alumni. This theme is about more than just comic book characters.

UI”s homecoming unites years of alumni and brings our current generation of students together with past generations. Homecoming Week is about more than who will be nominated for homecoming royalty. The week includes activities that bring students together, which is especially appreciated after the stressful week of midterms.

Not only did this week bring current UI students together, but on Wednesday alumni who graduated in 1955 reunited after 60 years. Homecoming is about coming together and spending time with one another, whether you are a current student or not.

I appreciate that the university”s homecoming is about more than what dresses the girls will be wearing and where the dance will be held, as opposed to high school. Its focus is on the students and the community.

Yesterday, the school”s annual food drive came to a close and the food was taken to St. Mary”s Food Bank, the Vandal Food Pantry and the supplies were given to Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse.

Later today, the Vandal Marching Band will lead the UI population in the annual Serpentine through campus. The Serpentine is a homecoming highlight, as it unites all of the university community together as it makes its way through Greek Row, past the residence halls and ends outside of the Kibbie Dome. Serpentine brings everyone together for a rally by a huge bonfire and a spectacular fireworks show. Vandal pride rings strong at this event, and it”s great because every single person who is there is a part of the action.

The great thing about Homecoming Week is that no part of it is about superficial themes like popularity, and the celebrations give everyone a break from the stress we are all definitely feeling at this midpoint of the semester. Students come together and relax after a few hectic weeks of cramming for their midterms and enjoy this time to hang out with friends, enjoy the bonfire and revel in the fireworks show.

A Hero”s Homecoming, which I previously thought to be a mundane theme, is really a unique theme that honors the lifeblood of UI. Students should think about more than comic book characters when they hear the term “hero” and consider themselves lucky to be a part of a university that cares so much about its students.

Kristen Bertoloni can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu

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