An all-night space – First floor library set to be open 24-hours

Ben Hunter

Students will have a new place to pull an all-nighter for a test this spring. When the first floor of the University of Idaho library reopens following renovations, it will become a place where students can enjoy a coffee shop and study comfortably.

Much like the library”s “Fishbowl,” the first floor of the library will be open 24 hours a day, excluding Fridays and Saturdays. The library will be open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays and 8 a.m. to midnight Saturdays.

The Fishbowl is expected to open during February or early March right around the time second semester midterms are taking place.

“The improvements that are coming with the renovations have been met with great enthusiasm from everyone we have talked with,” said Ben Hunter, associate dean of University Libraries.

Hunter said this project has been in the works for a few years, and library staff has worked closely with student groups such as ASUI to ensure the new space will offer students things they need and enjoy.

Ben Hunter

Besides 24-hour access to the first floor, the renovation will bring new furniture, new carpet, improved lighting and increased natural light.

The first floor will also feature four study rooms, classroom space and office space for privacy, a new Special Collections and Archives reading room as well as a new store in the Fishbowl that will offer food and drink, Hunter said.

More than anything, Hunter said the renovations are meant to help students who want a place to study at any time of day.

The map room and the Special Collections and Archives reading room, where students and faculty can access special collections, will also reopen following renovations.

Hunter said he think most students understand that the current inconvenience will lead to a place that is meant to benefit them.

Hunter said the renovation has been thought out and planned so students will enjoy the improvements.

Kristen Bertoloni  can be reached at

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