Horoscopes – Oct. 2

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22 –  Feeling more stressed out than usual? The pressure of the school year is probably starting to get to you. Take five minutes to put the book down, take a deep breath and enjoy the fresh fall air – it will do you wonders.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

Now is not the time to be camera shy. The leaves are changing colors and the world is beautiful. If you don”t capture as many moments as you can now, you”ll be regretting it when winter rolls around and there”s nothing but snow and cold.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

Those bizarre dreams you keep having about a panda eating all of the food in your pantry are actually premonitions. Don”t try and fight them, just accept the fact you”ll be cooking for two from now on.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

It”s time to treat yourself, Sagittarius. Light some candles and draw up a bubble bath, or just hang out on the couch for a couple of hours and watch Netflix. The important part is to have time just for you.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

The semester gets busy and all, but you should really stop forgetting to lock the door when you leave your apartment. Locked doors make for happy roommates who are still snoozing away while you”re booking it to class.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

It”s tempting to answer the phone when your ex is calling, but don”t do it, Aquarius, you”re better than that. It”s time to learn that the past is the past, and you”ll be better off investing your time in school or friends.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Your life might be feeling empty these days, which is the universe”s way of telling you to initiate some random act of kindness. Make yourself happy by doing something nice for someone else. It will warm hearts all around, so get to it.

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

It”s important to listen to your heart, and your heart is telling you to craft. Step away from the computer screen for a few hours and decorate a picture frame or glue some leaves together.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

It”s okay to skip the gym and sleep in that extra thirty minutes every once in a while. Getting rest is more important than leg day, and your brain will thank you for it later.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

We all have a hard time letting go, but you can”t deny the changing weather for much longer. It”s time to trade out your shorts and tank tops for some pants and a cozy sweater. The sooner you accept defeat, the easier your life will be.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

It”s hard to let ourselves be happy, but watch out for self-destructive behavior this weekend. Life is good, and you deserve to let it stay that way for a while.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

Embrace the love, Leo. It”s a good time to appreciate your loved ones and it”s not a bad idea to let them dote on you a bit – social interaction is good for the soul.

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