Thankful to be alive
A year ago today, I was in the hospital in critical condition. I’m not in perfect health now, and the last year has been a whirlwind, but I’m so thankful to be where I am today.
Hard to believe Easter has come and gone. But it doesn’t matter, because He’s risen!
Playing catch up
It seems that no matter how much time I devote to doing homework and work, I always have to play catch up. I hope summer comes soon.
The perfect thesis
Trying to start my final essays like, “What I learned in boating school is …”
The Hole, part 2
For in that little hole, a people did live, and what wonderful living they did. But the bird didn’t know, that those below, led a much better life than him.
Jack Olson
I don’t ever understand anything he says but I’m fairly certain he’s funny.
Baseball season
Over the course of about 180 days, each MLB team will play 162 games. Some say the season is too long, but for me, it’s not long enough. Go Ms!
I actually enjoy homework from non-art classes when it turns into graphic design projects.
It’s funny to me how having too many options can be as troublesome as having none.
I’m not religious
I’ve only been to church about four times in my entire life but I thoroughly enjoyed the Easter service at the Lake City Community Church on Sunday. The sermon was called “Love never fails,” and it surprisingly wasn’t creepy or cultish at all.
The West Wing is the best political show ever produced. #JedBartlet2016