Friday, Feb. 13
9:39 a.m. 400 block North Main
Caller reported a shoplifter — $11 worth of merchandise stolen.
8:39 p.m. 100 block Lauder Avenue
A male was arrested for violating a no-contact order.
Saturday, Feb. 14
9:29 a.m. 200 block North Cleveland Street
Vandalism — unidentified person threw a rock through the window of a house.
12:55 p.m. 400 block East Fifth Street
A child threw a pencil at another child causing an eye injury.
7:29 p.m. 1700 block West Pullman Road
Caller reported a shopping cart had damaged their car. Police believe someone shoved the cart into the car.
Sunday, Feb. 15
1:47 a.m. 300 block North Main Street
A male was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol.
7:32 p.m. 1300 block South Blaine Street
A male was arrested for shoplifting approximately $200 worth of merchandise.
Monday, February 16
3:31 p.m. 1100 block Blake Avenue
A male was arrested for punching another male in the face.
9:12 p.m. Baker Street; West A Street
Caller complained of a male in the road pushing a shopping cart. Officers were unable to locate him.