Rear end communications

What your bumper sticker says about you

Bumper stickers are often used to reflect something about a person. They can be religious, affiliated with a school, political or anything else really. The possibilities are endless, but what exactly are bumper stickers saying about you? Here’s a breakdown of a few of the most popular categories and the types of people who generally rock certain stickers. 

Shane Wellner | Rawr

Shane Wellner | Rawr

The ™My son/daughter is an honor student/valedictorian/star tuba player/gamer/Christian Bible college priest∫ bumper sticker

This bumper sticker is essential for the middle class soccer mom with one too many appointments on their plate to rush little David to his after school special. Additionally, there’s a good chance this is glued onto the back of a used minivan or small SUV. Fans of Mitt Romney, PBS, fad diets and Gap jeans are sure to be out and about sporting this one. Beware the competition that may be associated with clashing bumper stickers, because there’s a ton of competition in the world for having the best kid.

The multiple bumper stickers representing indie record stores, coexisting and favorite bands

This is a popular trend among college students and those in their early 20s. Honestly, these types of people just like to plaster their cars in cool things and that’s no crime. They probably also own a bunch of hip things like a MacBook and a North Face coat as well. While this is all fine and dandy, be aware being in this category means that Officer I-profile-the-young-and-restless is probably trailing these people hard so that he can pull them over and search their car because all hip college students obviously engage in illicit activities. This choice in sticker decoration can most often be found on Subaru Foresters.

The sticker of your entire family that’s plastered across the rear window

Everyone loves their family, and some people go all out and use a bumper sticker to represent that. Generally speaking, these stickers are most popular in suburban neighborhoods and are usually plastered alongside the “My child is _____________” sticker mentioned above. Those looking to elevate their proud parent game, be sure to pick one of these up at REI or wherever else people with kids shop.

The snarky political attack bumper sticker

Having a general political bumper sticker to show support for a candidate is fine, but people rocking these have decided to take things a step further. People sporting one of these are probably fired up and fall into that category where every conversation turns into a debate about whichever candidate they hate the most. Some people may call it passionate, some may call it hot headed, but they have surely researched every candidate thoroughly, so maybe political arguments should be few and far between instead of a daily occurrence.

The college/college radio/college newspaper etc. bumper sticker

Only the big names on campus rock these bad boys. It’s a well-known fact that the most elite people on campus have these stickers and can generally be seen doing cool things like leaning against walls and wearing sunglasses. An added bonus is the fact that they support great student media segments and their university, which means that everybody wins in the end. Congratulations to those who fall into this category.

Masen Matthews can be reached at

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