Disney characters downtown — The UI Homecoming Parade brought Disney characters to the Palouse

Classic Disney characters from all over the world paraded down the streets of downtown Moscow in celebration of the 125th Annual Homecoming. The theme of the parade this year was “Once Upon a Homecoming,” and the parade showcased creativity of organizations by incorporating different fairytales.

Genie Tran | Rawr Phi Delta Theta fraternity brothers and Latah County Republicans sailed down Main Street during the Homecoming Parade Oct. 18.

Genie Tran | Rawr
Phi Delta Theta fraternity brothers and Latah County Republicans sailed down Main Street during the Homecoming Parade Oct. 18.

Genie Tran | Rawr Phi Delta Theta fraternity brothers and Latah County Republicans sailed down Main Street during the Homecoming Parade Oct. 18.

Genie Tran | Rawr
Phi Delta Theta fraternity brothers and Latah County Republicans sailed down Main Street during the Homecoming Parade Oct. 18.

“Homecoming and the parade are great reminders of why we are all here,” said Jesus Iniguez, the Homecoming Chairman of Kappa Sigma fraternity. “It’s great to take a break from school and all of the hectic-ness and unite as one.”

Cassandra Michaud, the Parade Co-Chair, said the Homecoming Committee planned many new and exciting things this year to celebrate the 125th anniversary with Homecoming at UI and its importance.

Michaud said the parade was now open to any and all groups. The requirements to have a float in the parade is seven interested people and a filled out float request form.

“This is a good thing because it encourages all aspects of our university to be involved with the parade,” Michaud said.

The parade participants were encouraged to follow the Homecoming theme. Each group was assigned a fairytale to represent throughout the week, and the parade showcased their creativity and ideas.

“It really goes well with the children in the community, and they are typically the ones involved,” Michaud said.

Iniguez said Kappa Sigma and Kappa Alpha Theta were homecoming partners and worked hard to make the float elaborate. He and the other Homecoming chairman, Dalton O’Neill, designed and created the float and with the help of other fraternity brothers early last week. Their theme was the fairytale “The Snow Queen,” which Disney adapted to the movie “Frozen.”

Iniguez said the designers of the float wanted to make it appear frozen and icy. Two women from Kappa Alpha Theta dressed up and were on the float as the main characters of “Frozen,” Elsa and Anna.

He said several people were involved in their float as the characters and the townsmen giving out candy to the parade watchers.

“Whether you’re in a Greek organization or not … the parade is a weekend event where we all come together as one and celebrate the best school in the state,” Iniguez said.

Bull riding, window painting downtown and a free Holiday Friends and Finn Riggins concert were all added to the list of Homecoming festivities this year. Michaud said the UI Homecoming Committee hopes to keep the traditions strong and keep students and UI community involved.

“Homecoming is one of the oldest traditions at UI,”  Iniguez said. “It is celebrated each year to remind us why it’s important.”

Alexia Neal can be reached at arg-arts@uidaho.edu

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