Homecoming should be exciting for underclassmen
Homecoming Week is an exciting time for students, since it’s a week-long celebration of being a Vandal and taking pride in the University of Idaho. However, all this celebrating mostly focuses on seniors. They may be the ones nominated for Homecoming Court, but it isn’t only a time for seniors to celebrate.
As a freshman living through college Homecoming for the first time, I have come to understand why the event is important for all Vandals — especially underclassmen.

Emily Lowe
I have never been in a place where I have known so few people, but Homecoming activities offer the perfect opportunity to get out and meet new people. There are numerous events and not one encourages solo participation.
A typical Homecoming scene is teams of people working together to create a cheer for the Yell like Hell competition, which took place Sunday as the kickoff to Homecoming Week. During the week, people celebrated together by painting various businesses’ walls, performing Homecoming Jingles and creating awesome floats for the parade on Saturday.
Underclassmen can do all of those things equally as well as upperclassmen, and maybe even better.
It’s mostly about not being afraid to try.
Homecoming should be one of the most fun weeks for any freshman, but that can only happen if you get out there and participate. I hear countless upperclassmen discussing taking part in Homecoming events and a scant amount of my fellow freshman seem as enthusiastic about participating. We, as a group, may be unfamiliar with the traditions at UI, but that should not stop us from having a good time and getting involved this weekend. I know many of us freshman know how to make anything into a good time. It’s something young people are good at, especially the folks at UI. No one knows what fun they are missing out on if they don’t participate.
With so many festivities that week place this week, it was hard to be motivated for the midterms that were also happening. This difficult scheduling taught students to plan our time wisely so we can still have fun. The weekend festivities offer students a treat for studying hard and hopefully acing midterms.
Taking part in Homecoming Week creates a bond between the entire campus. After all, we all are Vandals and all bleed gold and silver. I know I cannot wait to partake in the parade and the football game and see a crowd of proud fans. Not being a part of that just seems sad.
Going to school is important, but getting involved, being a part of your university is what makes your time here memorable. Making new friends has never been easier during Homecoming Week and showing off your pride for your school has never been more fun.
Underclassmen may not be acknowledged as much for their efforts during Homecoming Week, but it doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge it ourselves.
Emily Lowe can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu