Friday Oct. 10
8:15 a.m. South Mountain View Road and White Avenue
Caller reported erratic driver. No report filed.
9:48 a.m. West Sixth Street and Rayburn Street
Caller reported recovery of stolen parking permit. A report was taken.
2:44 p.m. 1400 block South Blaine St.??
Report of car accident with no known injuries. A report was taken.
Saturday Oct. 11
2:57 a.m. East B Street and North Van Buren Street
Caller reported unconscious person. No report filed.
4:08 a.m. 1100 block West A St.
Caller reported a citizen dispute. No report was filed.
4:17 p.m. 100 block South Lilly St.
Caller reported safety hazard. Construction barricades had been moved. No report was filed.
Sunday Oct. 12
2:44 a.m. 1400 block West A St.
Caller complained of loud party. No report was filed.
1:51 p.m. 1400 block East Seventh St.
Reported recovery of a stolen vehicle. A report was filed.
9:48 p.m. 100 block East Fourth St.
Citizen requested assistance for lockout. No report was filed.