Take care of yourself — Physical and mental relaxation is important in time of stress, students should find personal solution

For most students, it can be difficult to relax during a stressful time such as finals week. With so much riding on academics, it can often become our only focus. 

However, many studies show that it can be beneficial to take a break from academics to relieve stress. Figuring out how to handle your stress is a process, and even then, it’s hard to master it.  However, there are many ways to lessen your stress and anxiety in different situations.

We have all had nights where we try and go to bed at a decent time and end up lying awake for three hours with millions of things running through our heads. What do I have to do tomorrow? Did I get everything turned in that I need to? What am I going to eat tomorrow?

The key to getting good sleep is learning how to shut your brain off when needed. We have 24 hours in our day, and it is up to us to get everything done in that amount of time, which sometimes seems impossible.

So how can you reduce stress levels? Yoga can initially seem awful, because it’s boring to many people and difficult to relax. When you become used to working out through cardio or resistance training, yoga practice can be a big switch. However, it can be one of the best ways to learn to shut your brain off and purely move your body.

After a few weeks, it’s common to find that you can fall asleep in a minute during the final phase of a yoga session. Talk about helpful when going to bed at night.

Give yourself a bedtime, as childish as it may sound. Many studies show that it is beneficial to have a regular sleep schedule. Getting an adequate amount of sleep at night reduces stress, and your body will naturally start to get sleepy at night and wake up easier in the morning. The more relaxed you feel while sleeping, the more relaxed you will be during the day.

Find an activity that helps relax and take your mind off of everything that is weighing you down. It may be watching your favorite TV show, going to the gym, going for a walk outside, venting with friends, etc. Just take the time to find what allows you to shut your brain off for at least 10-15 minutes.

These solutions may not work for some students, but they are always worth a shot. There are many options to improve your relaxation, but you must find what works for you. During the stressful time at the end of the year, make sure to take time for yourself and focus on not only your physical health, but your mental health as well.

Melanie Martin can be reached at vandalhealthed@uidaho.edu

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