Best Picture pick of Oscars speak out

“Okay, so ‘Pacific Rim,’  which is a phenomenal movie and an amazing visual masterpiece (was well-loved) by moviegoers. The fact that it got snubbed by the Oscars infuriates me. Meanwhile, ‘The Lone Ranger,’  a movie that is abysmal and has a very low critics rating, gets nominated for three Oscars. WTF?” -Jefferson Kloepfer

“‘Lone Survivors,’ because it was a good potrayal of the types of struggles that soldiers go through.”  – Vincent Bruiseis

“Between ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ and ‘Gravity.’  ‘Gravity’ is about a group of people that are competent and have to get over unforeseen circumtances, whereas usually it’s all about people who are incompetent. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ has Leonardo DiCaprio and I’d love for him to finally win one.” -Daran Miller

“‘The Wolf of Wall Street’  because it’s Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio.” -Denise Bennett

“‘Gravity’ was pretty good. I like Sandra Bullock. She’s super hot.” -Ernest Trujillo


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