Every year thousands of people swarm Moscow for University of Idaho’s Homecoming festivities. Students and community members gather to celebrate the university, but for one group, Homecoming means a bit more.For UI alumni, Homecoming takes on a more literal meaning. Many Vandal alumni make the journey back to the Palouse and UI does not disappoint. Throughout the week, there are plenty of events for those alumni who make the trip back.
UI alumna Stephanie Turner says she looks forward to Homecoming every year and appreciates the emphasis that planners place on alumni like herself.
“It is great to come back to Moscow and see the community coming together,” Turner said. “There are a lot of things, like special alumni dinners and such, it makes Moscow feel the same as it did during college. It really takes you back, just getting together with other Vandals.”
The alumni Homecoming schedule begins at noon on Wednesday in the SUB Ballroom with the faculty and alumni luncheon. The luncheon honors those who graduated from UI and now work for the university. The Student Alumni Coordinator of the Office of Alumni Relations, Lauren Hamilton, stressed the importance of Vandals coming together for this event.
“We have a lot of people who work for the university and also graduated from the university,” Hamilton said. “We just take this opportunity to give back to them, we recognize they are still around and hope they come to lunch to celebrate being Vandals– both in the workplace and as a graduate.”
The Golden I is another special event which runs all day Thursday and Friday. The Golden I is a tour of the university for alumni who graduated 50 plus years ago. The tour allows people to reminisce and see how the university and their fellow graduates have changed over the years.
“People from that age group do not usually come back to campus, so seeing those faces back at the university is really exciting,” Hamilton said. “There will be over 100 people from the class of 1963 at Golden I events this week, which is really exciting.”
The week ends with the Toast to Idaho Alumni Brunch at the Best Western Plus University Inn at 9 a.m. Sunday.
“The Toast to Idaho is a great way to end your weekend with us, it’s a really great send off,” Hamilton said. “You’ve had a great weekend, we just cap it off by doing brunch. Last year was the first year and it went over really well. It’s a good way to socialize and wrap up your weekend.”
Alumni are not only recognized with their own events, they can also take advantage of discounts at the VandalStore based on how long ago they graduated.
Alumni are also invited to a number of campus-wide festivities throughout the week.
“Events like the parade and the game have been around forever and alumni get really excited about taking part in these events again,” Hamilton said.
Homecoming Week serves as a time to celebrate for alumni their time as Vandals, see old friends and come together to celebrate the university they once attended. .
Justin Ackerman can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu.