The ninth annual University of Idaho Thank-A-Thon will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 in the Clearwater and Whitewater rooms of the Idaho Commons.
The two-day event provides the opportunity for scholarship recipients and non-scholarship recipients to write thank you notes to those that fund their scholarships or colleges and programs, said Kathy Foss, donor relations and stewardship manager.The event is supported by the Financial Aid Office, Student Foundation and Donor Relations and Stewardship Office. It is also supported by volunteers and each college to make it a successful university wide event, Foss said.
Last year, 763 students wrote 1,200 thank you cards, Foss said.
“This year the goal is to increase it to 800 students and 1,500 cards, which I think we are very optimistic that we can do,” she said.
All supplies are provided, including refreshments and mailing the cards to the donors, Foss said.
Each student who writes a thank you card will receive one raffle ticket to win a VandalStore gift basket, she said.
Foss said donors love to hear from their scholarship recipients, and in some cases receiving a thank you note inspires them to donate more money the following year.
“Knowing that that specific person really does appreciate it and they see that students care and that they go out of their way to say thank you, makes them more connected to the school,” said Tiffany Frieson, student foundation president.
The Student Foundation will volunteer during the two-day event and will staff a table for the Thank-A-Thon from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sept. 25 in the Commons for students who have questions.
Emily Aizawa can be reached at [email protected]