Finally famous
Finally got to that point in my life where people at a cafe know my name. Proud of it, but it also means I spend too much time at Einstein Bros.
The DawgFather
My heart goes out to former UW coach Don James as he battles pancreatic cancer. James always wins, and this will be no exception.
Caffeinated politics
I love that people are upset about Starbucks not allowing guns in stores even if local laws permit them. One, do you really need to be packing heat to get hot coffee? Two, as a safety issue, how are employees supposed to differentiate between customers and potential threats to customers?
Great experience
Seeing the world famous Ariel String Quartet preform with Orion Weiss was amazing. Sometimes UI bring the world to us.
Doing marriage right
My husband is a Coug. I’m a Vandal. Together, we are going to attend our first college football game Saturday and hopefully still love each other at the end of it.
The funeral
He was old and sick. I’ve had him for 10 months, but it was the best 10 months of my life. I hope you rest in peace Black Teddy. I love you.
PS: Black Teddy was my first black bear hamster.
I do it for the lolz
I think my Comm 431 professor probably views me as the least professional student in her class. Just wait until she sees my resume and cover letter. #likeaboss
I fell up some stairs on Wednesday. I pretty much dominate life.
iOS 7
Yeah, it’s pretty legit.
It’s kind of embarrassing when the best player on your team is a guy that came over from the opposing team because you were undermanned.
Snooze fest
You know you’ve exhausted yourself past your limits when you start to fall asleep while drinking a glass of juice. The weekend has never sounded so nice.
Cream machine
My new lens has a nickname within the photography community: The cream machine. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
A Zen saying
Knock on the sky and listen to the sound.