Q: What traits would you like to see in a new university president?
“Academics SHOULD be the priority without question. It is a school afterall, and I would hope that is the reason we all came here – to learn. Athletics is all well and good but it should not be the focal point. I did not come to the University of Idaho to watch or play in any athletics. I came here to learn and improve the odds of my future path.”
–Chrissy Winger
“A better handshake.”
–James Hager
“Vandal Pride! Committment to values and moving UI forward!”
–Amy Pettinger
“As an alumnus, I would like to see someone who recognizes what a sweet gig it is to be president of UI and who isn’t looking at it as a stepping stone. Athletics are great and important, but academics should be the top focus.”
–Wyatt Buchanan
“Some who actually has intentions of making strides at the University of Idaho, not just spinning the wheels. It’s about time that we have a president realize the importance of a thriving athletic program and its benefit to the overall health of the university. A president who isn’t content with the UI being pushed aside, after all, we are THE land grant university and we should be the school that is the foundations for all progress through-out the state.”
–SheilAnne Davis Smith