OTC 04.26.13

Is it college basketball season yet? I’m far too impatient to wait six months before watching the Idaho women’s team win the WAC again.

Dead Week
More like “Celebrate the 2013 Seniors’ impending graduation all week long” Week.

That moment when there’s a class you really want to take from a particular professor and it doesn’t fit into your schedule or graduation requirements.

The next two are going to be fantastic: Portland with my favorite Sydney and then a weekend of shenanigans including FinalsFest. The one after that? It’s summer time and I’ll be on the road to California. No complaining here.

Time to be sentimental
Facebook creeping on myself reminded me what a fantastic time I’ve had at UI. Thanks to everyone who’s been a part of it. You’re the best.

This sucks
It seems like 80 percent of people I know are graduating or leaving. This kind of sucks.

Life is gouda
I love cheese. I am not ashamed.

Brew time
It’s that time of the semester when all I can focus on is beer.

College senior
Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.

Blue skies
It’s amazing how a little sunshine can create a lot of happiness. Here’s to a positive attitude during the last few weeks of school, graduation and the start of my summer internship.
— Elisa

Not so bad after all
I thought writing my 10-12 page research paper for History of Sports would be miserable. Then I realized I was writing about sports — yeah, that thing that I want to do for the rest of my life. By tomorrow I plan on knowing every detail about the life of tennis legend Arthur Ashe.

In French
Ten pages later I feel like I’m fluent … Nah, just exhausted.

A pep talk in every drop. Just what I need these days.
— Amrah

Drug tests
I hope I pass, I hope I pass.

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