YouTube has been overrun by cat videos and no one is complaining. It’s the best substitute for a cat of your own and is a whole lot cheaper too. Here’s a list of the best cat videos for a day when you need a little cheering up.
“Maru the Cat” by mugumogu
If Maru is Mugumogu’s cat, they’re the luckiest cat owner on the planet. I’m reduced to a pile of laughter every time that silly kitty gets a running start at a cereal box or takes the leap of faith into a refrigerator box.
“Surprised Kitty” by rozzzafly
This is by far one of the most adorable cat videos I’ve ever seen. Who would have thought cats might be ticklish?
“Nyan Cat” by saraj00n
If you need to annoy anyone, just find the 12-hour version of this video. Don’t ask me how an animated Pop-Tart cat became so famous — I honestly have no idea.
“I’m a Kitty Cat” by lyesmom
Another absurdly CATchy song (see what I did there) that you won’t be able to get out of your head. “I’m a cat. I’m a Kitty Cat. And I meow, meow, meow. And I meow, meow, meow. I’m a cat.” You get the idea.
“They See Me Rollin'” by SamRS94
It’s a cat … riding a tortoise. Need I say more?
“Cat-Friend vs. Dog-Friend” by fatawesomefilms
This video is the most accurate depiction by humans I’ve ever seen of cats and dogs. I’ll take one of each please.
“Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION” by Veronica Duff
This might not be as funny if the music weren’t so perfectly timed. Regardless, it’s 30 seconds of pure anticipation and four seconds of absolute terror because this cat doesn’t quite have enough spring it’s leap.
“KITTEN in Hamster Ball stuck in middle” by lekilimark
That poor cat is stuck in the hamster ball and I just can’t help but cheer for it as it finds a way out. I would say it’s cruel to put a cat in a hamster ball, but that cat crawled in there all by itself so my laughter is justified.
Kaitlyn Krasselt can be reached at