Off the cuff – Quick takes on life from our editors

Spring has sprung?

This time of year’s activities involve sun, grilling and friends. Why in the world can the weather not just understand that and stop sucking?

— Madison


To the de-seater

Whether it’s a warning or a strange joke in which you removed all the bike seats at the SUB rack and then placed them beneath their bikes, thanks for not making off like a bandit.



Glove and the Hall of Fame

One of the greatest athletes ever to grace my city, congratulations to Gary Payton on being inducted into the Hall of Fame. I can’t wait for the day to see your No. 20 raised into the rafters of the Key Arena



Ready, set, crunch time

My capstone presentation is in about a week. See you then.




The musician, not the question.



Wise words

Just keep swimming.



Mondays are a drag

I’m glad I only have to suffer through one each week.




It appears my hard work has finally paid off. Job interview? Yes, please.



Change on the horizon

“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question.” — Harun Yahya

— Elisa



Why is it so hard to find a men’s restroom with a changing table in it?



I’m a big kid now

I found out I got accepted for a chemistry internship this summer in Delaware. It will be my first real job aside from The Argonaut. I feel like such a big kid.



Summer fun

Officially spending the summer on the Palouse. Already looking up every music festival within a 600-mile radius.



Cupcakes, candy and cookies

I want sugar.



Volunteer work

So you’re telling me . . . I can get volunteer hours for my Intercultural Comm. class by going to the Humane Society and petting little kitties? Uh yeah, I’m down with that.



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