As the semester comes to a close, there is one thing that shadows the anticipation for the holidays: finals week. It’s the season to flip back a few pages on the textbooks and pull out old notes in preparation for spilling out all the information learned this semester. Here are all the must-dos for studying to ensure success during a stressful week.
1. Space out study time.
Spacing out study time will keep the material fresh in the mind and make it easier to recall information. Reviewing notes and study guides throughout the week (or two weeks) helps the brain process the material in your long-term memory. Cramming everything the night before will make it more difficult for the brain to recall short-term memory when it comes to taking the test.
2. Take short breaks.
Don’t cram all the studying into one sitting. The brain recalls the most information at the beginning and end of a study session. There is also a smaller chance of distractions during a study period if there is a specific time set aside to relax.
3. Study in a quiet place.
It is best to study in a place that will have the least amount of distractions as possible. Avoid studying in public locations unless it is the library. Find a comfortable chair and study at a table or desk. Studying on a couch or bed can lead to unexpected napping, which is quality review time wasted. Save naps for a designated 30 minute study break.
3. Rank classes.
Figure out which classes have the most material to cover or are particularly difficult . Start with the class that needs the most study time, while saving well known material for last. Study the most important information first.
4. Quiz yourself.
Quiz yourself over the material or find someone who can quiz you. This will help narrow down what material comes easily and what needs to be studied more.
5. Listen to music.
Classical and jazz is the best music to listen to while studying. Keeping music on low volume helps relax the brain relieve boredom.
Studying is not the only way to prepare for finals week. In fact, staying physically healthy is an integral part of being successful.
1. Eat a healthy breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal because it gets your metabolism running and provides energy for the brain to function at its full potential. Eating healthy meals replenishes the nutrition and energy that refreshes the body and brain. Healthy snacks such as fruit, veggies and nuts are perfect snacks to munch on while studying.
2. Get enough sleep.
Sleep rejuvenates the body and allows the brain to process information for long-term memory. Getting 8-10 hours of sleep the night before will physically and mentally enhance performance during a test. Pulling all-nighters does not allow the brain to process and retain all the information that is being crammed during those hours.
3. Drink water, not caffeine.
Caffeine and sugar are only temporary and will often leave you more tired after the effects wear off. Caffeine drinks will also have you running to the bathroom often, which is a distraction from quality study time. Water hydrates and rejuvenates the body to help retain information.
4. Avoid alcohol.
Alcohol impairs the ability to retain information and leads to grogginess.
5. Stay active.
Physical activity keeps the mind active and is a great way to spend a study break. Playing sports and exercising releases endorphins, reduces stress, increases energy and allows for a better night’s sleep.
Emily Vaartstra can be reached at