The Student Rec Center is teaming up with Vandal Massage for Mental Health Month to promote Vandal Massage and the SRC by offering a free body composition test and a complimentary massage, said Hollie Garrison, Fitness and Wellness Graduate Assistant.
Philip Vukelich | Argonaut
Hollie Garrison, graduate assistant for the fitness and wellness center in the Student Recreation Center, performs a body composition test on junior Eddy Hancock Monday. The SRC will offer free massages Tuesday through Thursday from Vandal Massage for students who participate in a body composition test.
“It’s a way to get people to analyze their body fat, especially right after Thanksgiving, and motivate people to come to a personal trainer,” said Michele Murphy, a licensed massage therapist at Vandal Massage.
The body fat test will take place in a private room and is performed by a certified personal trainer with the Bodymatrix Ultrasound, Garrison said.
“It is for anyone who can get into the SRC and is willing to sign a waiver,” Garrison said.
She said this event will take place before dead week as a way to let students wind down, relax and learn more about the benefits of working out with or without a personal trainer.
Garrison said personal training can help with weight management, strength training, training novice exercisers, cardiovascular training and sports specific training. She said a personal trainer can design a personalized exercise program to meet specific goals, provide cardiovascular instruction, resistance-training instruction, time-efficient workouts, assistance in minimizing injury during working out and tips to stay motivated and accountable.
For a training session, it will cost $35 for one hour and $120 for four one-hour sessions.
“We (Vandal Massage) want to get exposure and let people know that we are here in the SRC,” Murphy said.
She said massages are a great way to help with many problems — they can help people relax, get rid of headaches and migraines, help with mental alertness, reduce anxiety, depression, pain reduction, maintain the immune system, sleep better and reducing inflammation after working out.
Vandal Massage offers special prices for students, Murphy said. It is $27 for thirty minutes, $54 for one hour and $81 for an hour and a half. They are open Monday through Saturday by appointment only.
“I am looking forward to educating students about body fat percentages and the free massages,” Garrison said.
Emily Aizawa can be reached at [email protected]