Letter to the editor

Effects of the election

After the election we have needed time to grieve for our beloved America.

We are deeply saddened that this election portends the horrendous potential loss of life of millions of unborn children, and we are grieving the loss of the ability to gain legal protection for the unborn and the elderly for yet another four years. One commentator put it well when he said he was grieving because “millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it. Abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality carried the day … The America we love is sick and in need of renewal and healing. Under these circumstances … it is okay to grieve.”

But we all know that after this time of mourning, we must press forward.  We are called by our Lord to be faithful whether we succeed or whether we fail. And that is our sincere commitment.

We are comforted by the fact that Idaho was one of the states whose solid majority voted for a strong pro-life America. We are comforted that most pro-life incumbents, who sponsored, voted for and debated for strong pro-life laws here in Idaho, won their elections. These include pro-life champions, Sen. Steve Vick, Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll, Sen. Chuck Winder, Rep. Brent Crane, and Rep. Paul Shepherd.

We take comfort that the culture of life was successful in Massachusetts in defeating the assisted suicide measure that was on the ballot there. And we take comfort in the fact that we are joined by thousands of you in Idaho and across America who will continue to join us to fight for the sanctity of human life.

In the days, months, and years ahead we will continue to stand up for the lives of the unborn and for the protection of the elderly. We will continue to speak up for those of our beloved human family who cannot speak for themselves. Please stand with us.

We encourage you to join us for the Marches for Life across Idaho and America in January commemorating the 40th year of legalized abortion on demand in America.

May God bless Idaho and the United States of America.

-Kerry Uhlenkott

Grangeville, Idaho

Right to Life of Idaho

Express tolerance

People can talk about how President Barack Obama won and how it’s all great and wonderful, and people say all they want is tolerance and acceptance of their beliefs. However, if I were to post (on Facebook) or talk about my personal beliefs, I would be shown no tolerance at all. If I were to truly express my views and beliefs, suddenly I would have people accusing me of all sorts of things. Tolerance? Oh, really.

–Dan Bechtel
junior, public relations


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