Sharing sustainable sustenance

Hayden Crosby | Argonaut University of Idaho exchange student Callum Metcalfe reads a display at Bob’s Place that outlines Sodexo’s five-day sustainability challenge.

Since going trayless, University of Idaho Campus Dining has saved 250 gallons of water every day, Bob’s Place Manager Dimon Johnson said. 

Hayden Crosby | Argonaut
University of Idaho exchange student Callum Metcalfe reads a display at Bob’s Place that outlines Sodexo’s five-day sustainability challenge.

This is one of many sustainability issues that will be highlighted at Bob’s Place as part of the five-day Sodexo Sustainability Challenge. The challenge will focus on 14 commitments of what is called the Better Tomorrow Plan — Sodexo’s roadmap for sustainability during the next 10 years, UI Campus Dining General Manager Pat Clelland said in a press release.

The challenge began Monday with a highlight on carbon-intensity reduction and water-usage reduction. A Bob’s Place display showcased its trayless dining as well as dining room daylighting in order to add more natural light and subtract energy usage.

Marketing major Callum Metcalfe said some of the Sodexo ideas to be more sustainable were clever.

“It’s just the little things sometimes,” he said.

Johnson said today will showcase Bob’s Place’s LeanPath kitchen waste management system and Wednesday’s menu will feature sustainable fish.

Thursday, Bob’s Place will bring forth its Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified coffee, while Friday Executive Chef Kris Raasch and Marissa Lucas will prepare a menu based on sustainably nutritional principles. Lucas will be available for questions as well.

“Students need to (be committed to sustainability) because it’s going to be on them in the future,” Johnson said.

When students and staff complete daily challenges, like taking shorter showers or choosing a meatless entrée, students can receive a stamp on a card for that Challenge Day provided by Bob’s Place cashiers. Johnson said that participants, who take at least one action and turn in their stamped card by Friday, will be entered to win prizes, such as tote bags or water bottles.

For more information on the Better Tomorrow Plan, visit

Lindsey Treffry can be reached at

About the Author

Lindsey Treffry Campus life beat reporter for news Junior in journalism Can be reached at

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