Time not lost “Pinning”

As if there weren’t enough social sharing sites to distract us from our homework already, Pinterest had to come about. 

Whether you’re planning a wedding, designing your house on a budget, trying to save a dime or making delicious desserts — Pinterest has all the means necessary to distract one from homework.

For those of you who have never explored this site, it’s full of girl’s dreaming about their “someday” weddings, cute pictures of animals, places to shop online and ways to save money.

At first glance this glorious site might seem like a big, fat waste of time. But to those of us die-hard pinners, Pinterest has been the latest and greatest thing since Tumblr.

University of Idaho sophomore LaNelle Simmons spends about 12 hours a week on Pinterest, which is about the same amount of time she spends on Facebook each week.

“I spend time more time on Facebook on my cell phone off and on — only when I have something to do I get on it,” Simmons said. “Pinterest is more of a sit down for hours, non-stop and when I’m bored.”

When she spends hours on end “pinning” she acquires fashion ideas, food recipes and craft ideas from the site.

The way Pinterest works is similar to websites like Tumblr. The concept is basic: find things online, or come up with great ideas and share them with the rest of the world.

Often times when you click on a photograph of something you like, the link will take you to a blog or website with more information about what you are looking at. Generally, these blogging sites also have more craft ideas, fashion tips, or recipes available to anyone.

For example, I found the most delicious recipe for a cookie called “the inception cookie.”

It’s an Oreo inside of a chocolate chip cookie. It was quite possibly the most delicious cookie ever.

If you’re not a pinner, these are the kinds of things you are missing.

I know this thing called Pinterest may not spark everyone’s interest, but keep in mind this isn’t just a sharing site for women. You may be overwhelmed by cute, feminine memes and pictures of fluffy Pomeranians at first, but this is your cue to refine your search and look for things you enjoy.

Pinterest offers multiple categories to surf through including sports, architecture, cars and motorcycles, outdoors, science and nature and men’s fashion.

Well, what are you waiting for? Get to pinning.

Molly Spencer can be reached at arg-arts@uidaho.edu

About the Author

Molly Spencer Housing beat reporter for news, opinion columnist and rawr reporter Sophomore in journalism Can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or arg-opinion@uidaho.edu or arg-arts@uidaho.edu

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