A car wash to raise money for the family of Bishal Shrestha, a University of Idaho student who died July 21 while rafting on the Selway River, will take place Saturday, Aug. 4.
Shrestha and his brother, Nikunja, were attending UI as international students from Nepal and were Building Services crew members at the Student Union Building. Nikunja returned to Nepal shortly after the incident along with Shrestha’s remains.
Mark Miller, associate director of operations for the Idaho Commons and Student Union, said the family has “already absorbed at least $4,000 in costs.”
“This employee that lost his life was a very close friend of everyone that worked on that staff … this was just a huge shock to us and we want to help out his family,” Miller said. “I’ll sure be having my car washed.”
Miller said a bank account at the Latah Federal Credit Union has been set up for “The Family of Bishal Shrestha.” Donations to the account can be made at any LFCU branch in person, by mail or wire transfer.