Fashion trends fluctuate, but Ray Ban-style sunglasses have been a summer staple since their introduction in 1937, and the University of Idaho is no exception.

hayden crosby | rawr University of Idaho students Kelsey Stanaway, Ben Frey and Monica Harrington sit outside and sport their own style of Ray Ban sunglasses.
“Ray Bans are popular because (the knock-offs) are cheap, and it gives people a sense of individuality,” said Jake Ellis, junior history major.
Sunglasses come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and make for an easy conversation starter.
Like many accessories, sunglasses reflect personal style and are an easy way to express one’s self. Ellis said Ray Bans are a good choice for outdoor activities.
Ellis likes the classic look associated with Ray Ban-style sunglasses and said he is a unique, casual individual.
“It’s hard to describe my style. I have a sense of individuality, (and) I shop at the Goodwill because there are tons of options and you never know when you’re going to find something that fits perfectly,” Ellis said.
To picture his style, you need to imagine someone who just goes off what is unconventional.
Katy Wright, a junior in art education, said Ray Bans are making a strong comeback because they have a timeless shape and huge appeal to the accessory-buying market.
“Ray Bans are classic, but I feel like culture these days has always been receptive toward timeless products,” Wright said.
Wright is a very art-oriented person and says she has a very “chill” personal style.
“My style is casual, comfy, trendy and simply Katy. I feel like I’m different and so is my style, its original,” Wright said.
Junior journalism major Brady Sauvageau said Ray Ban-style sunglasses are just another trend that limits the expression of personal style.
“Throwbacks are frequently used by people who can’t make up their own minds. I believe that the style of Ray Bans just happens to be the new trend,” Sauvageau said.
He said the trend will eventually wear itself out.
“Because they are different than today’s norm they appear to be original, (but) once everyone starts wearing them they’ll no longer have the appeal that they did when the style first came back,” Sauvageau said.
Sauvageau said Ray Bans seem to stay trendy because they are marketed well and there are cheap knock-offs produced, making them college-student accessible.
From Hollywood actors and actresses to UI students, Ray Bans have been a style staple for nearly 60 years.
Danielle Yantis can be reached at