Basketball benefit — Tournament raises money to fight global hunger

The University of Idaho Oxfam Club hosts the Hoops for Hunger basketball tournament beginning at noon Sunday at the Wallace basketball courts.

The three-on-three basketball tournament features men’s and women’s brackets and costs $5 for participation. Oxfam plans to use the proceed to fight global hunger. Prizes, including gift cards for local businesses, will be awarded and pizza will be served following the tournament. 

The UI Oxfam Club is dedicated to the search for long-term solutions to hunger, poverty and social injustice. Members promote awareness about these issues and take local and global action.

Hoops for Hunger and other Oxfam events aim to educate students, said Promotion Specialist Kelly Fisher.

In 1942, the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief was established by social activists and Oxford academics in response to the problem of refugees in Greece. After the war, Oxfam continued to send aid to the poor in Europe. As Europe’s need for aid decreased, Oxfam’s help went to people in developing countries.

“Even if you don’t want to play or can’t play everyone is encouraged to come out and watch,” said Ana Reed, co-chair. “It’s an open event for a greater cause to fight hunger, not how good you are at basketball. It’s meant to be a fun charity event with a competitive edge.”

The deadline for registration has been postponed until today. Sign-up sheets are in the ASUI office.

Emily Aizawa can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Emily Aizawa News reporter Freshman in public relations Can be reached at [email protected]

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