Terribly hilarious YouTube

There are some things in life that should never be watched — yet are hilarious. And therefore should actually be watched multiple times. The following videos are absolutely terrible, but are sure to have you on the floor laughing “lol” style.

Titanic SUPER 3D

This video is ridiculous. Some might say it is morbid or in poor taste to mock such a historical event that resulted in the loss of thousands of people, which is a pretty solid argument and why this video should probably be called terrible. It’s also funny and takes the mockery past the romantic gushiness that is “Titanic” to include the absurdity of 3D movies. Watch it, you will at least giggle.

Hunger Games (Parody of Grenade by Bruno Mars)

There is something to be said about someone who can write lyrics that are actually pretty catchy, original and in line with the story of “The Hunger Games” — what that is has yet to be determined but is lingering somewhere between creative and too much spare time. It’s another to watch this girl’s video. It confirms everything in between.

Teach Me How to Dobby (Teach Me How to Dougie parody)

The costumes alone make this video absolutely terrible. Where people come up with the outfits to continuously mock Harry Potter is amazing. The dances, lyrics and excellent production of the video are what make it hilarious. It’s a little iffy at the beginning, but if you can stick with it to the course, you’re in for a chuckle.

Darth Vader in Love

This is quite possibly the longest almost seven minutes of anyone’s life — yes, it is that terrible. It’s also a little sad. Somehow it has been made possible to feel incredibly sad for Star Wars’ Darth Vader and laugh at the complete contradiction of his image that is portrayed in the video. The concept of Vader having feelings at all is enough to make anyone laugh.

Real Life Superman

All right, the idea for this video is pretty basic — they’re playing a prank on people. The execution is mediocre and background music is cheesy. We’ve got the terrible elements down, so why is it hilarious? The way people react. Classic.

Elizabeth Rudd can be reached at arg-arts@uidaho.edu

About the Author

Elizabeth Rudd Editor-in-chief Senior in journalism Can be reached at argonaut@uidaho.edu or 208-885-7845

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