The ASUI Activities Board has approximately $24,000 left to allocate to ASUI recognized clubs and organizations this year.
ASUI Activities Board Chair Marissa Moreschini said the activities board began the school year with a budget of $71,900.
“There are over 210 ASUI recognized organizations, so there are a lot and there are constantly more popping up,” Moreschini said. “We do have quite a bit of money left, so it would be awesome if a lot of clubs applied for it.”
Moreschini said the activities board is able to fund various club sponsored activities such as speakers, events like the Migrant Workers Awareness week and conferences.
“It’s pretty much to help clubs fulfill their constitution and to fill their club goals. That’s what we are there for,” Moreschini said.
In order to be eligible for activities board funding, club representatives must attend a training session prior to a funding hearing.
“It’s kind of a crazy process,” Moreschini said. “First a club or organization has to go to a training meeting where they go and learn how to fill out an application and they learn if they are even able to receive funding.”
Moreschini said the activities board is bound by a set of bylaws and is unable to fund certain things such as food, reources the university is able to provide and give-away items for events.
“The clubs and organizations have to attend one training meeting per fiscal year, so if they attend it once they’re good for the whole year,” Moreschini said.
Once a club or organization has attended a training meeting it can apply to receive up to $2,000 in funding. Applications, which include the submission of a W9 and a club bank account statement, are submitted online through org-sync and must be submitted two business days before a hearing.
“Then we hold a hearing where the clubs come and advocate for themselves and why they should receive this funding,” Moreschini said. “And if the board has any questions about their application, because at times the applications are a little unclear, they come up at the hearing. Usually the board allocates more money than they don’t. We don’t turn down money hardly at all.”
The final training to be eligible for funding for the 2011-2012 fiscal year will be held at 6 p.m. April 10 in the Crest Room of the Idaho Commons.
“Every year a club is allowed to receive up to $2,000 from activities board, but at the end of the year at our very last hearing, which is coming up this month, a club can apply to receive more money,” Moreschini said.
Moreschini said the last hearing of the year is one where clubs who have fulfilled their maximum funding from the Activities Board can apply to receive any leftover funds.
“For example, mock trial has received their limit for the fiscal year and they are going to be filling out an application to receive more,” Moreschini said. “That’s last priority though, it’s if we have extra money in our budget and can allocate more.”
Applications to receive funding are due at 12 p.m. April 13 and the final hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. the following Tuesday, April 17 in the Crest Room of the Idaho Commons.
“We tend to get a lot of the same clubs that apply every year,” Moreschini said. “We would love to be there for more clubs and expand our budget because if more and more clubs come that means they can give us more money to give.”
Kaitlyn Krasselt can be reached at