Guess that is not happening this weekend.
— Jens
Football is starting up, intramurals are going strong, I put my clock ahead an hour. Why isn’t it spring yet outside? Not a fan.
— Madison
That’s what the lady I passed on Hello Walk said to me. I hope she was talking about the weather and not my face.
— Elisa
Zero classes
Typically I’m OK with teachers canceling classes and I’m even OK when they don’t show up, except when it’s the only class I had to go to for the day. An email would have been cool, I could have slept more…
— Elizabeth
Personal day
Everybody gets one. Or two.
— Vicky
61 days
If one more person asks me if I’m going out to the bars, I might start crying. I still have 61 days until I turn 21, people. Don’t remind me.
— Britt
@#WolfpackAlan tweet
“I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect.”
— Theo
Not Happy
I’m rocking my tank and flip-flops this week regardless. Take that, snow. It’s still spring in my head.
— Amrah
(Insert title here)
(Insert weather-related Off the Cuff here)
— Nick
Chuck Winder
I think we should really ask your wife about the “normal relations” within your marriage. I am a little worried.
— Dylan