Come to the caucus

Super Tuesday has different implications for each candidate, but it could be the last influential factor in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Ten states with a total of 437 delegate votes will hold primaries or caucuses today, and Idaho will be participating for the first time. Even though Idaho has more delegates than some states with earlier primaries, it had less influence in the past because its May primary election was too late in the race to make a difference and Republican nominees tended to take Idaho votes for granted.
But that is no longer the case. By moving the Idaho caucus to Super Tuesday, Idaho votes matter.
State politicians and officials hoped candidates wouldn’t ignore Idaho as they had in the past. The gamble paid off and all four presidential nominees campaigned in Idaho. Now it’s time for Republican voters to do their part in making the Idaho caucus a success.
All 44 counties in Idaho will hold caucuses at 7 p.m. today, and voters must identify their party affiliation as Republican to participate. There are four caucus sites in Latah County that will open their doors at 6 p.m. to allow voters to register.
During the caucuses, whichever candidate has the lowest number of votes, and anyone who draws less than 15 percent of the votes, will be eliminated in each round of voting until one candidate receives 50 percent of the votes or two candidates tie 50-50. At that point the results are reported to the Idaho Republican Party in Boise.
The outcome of Super Tuesday has the potential to decide the election fates of each candidate. If current frontrunner Mitt Romney has a strong showing today, it will essentially guarantee his spot as the Republican presidential nominee. Super Tuesday is also an opportunity for Rick Santorum to cut into Romney’s lead, and for third and fourth place candidates Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul the primaries and caucuses today might be their last hope for a shot at the GOP nomination. It all rests in the hands of voters.
Super Tuesday could seal the deal in terms of who wins the Republican Party’s nomination and Idaho has the opportunity to make its voice heard. Don’t forfeit the opportunity to impact a decision that influences who the next leader of our country will be.
— EE – See more at: file:///Volumes/argonaut$/stories/sections/opinion/stories/2012/March/6/come_to_caucus.html#sthash.WZGMAy15.dpuf

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