Vandals can embark on an eight-week fitness challenge to test their strength, flexibility and body composition — and win prizes along the way.
“(Vandal Fitness Challenge) is not just an exercise challenge,” said Halle Smith, University of Idaho Student Recreation Board Chair for ASUI. “…It is a way to implement lifestyle changes.”
Peg Hamlett, UI Fitness and Wellness director, is leading certified trainers in administering the initial tests and competitors will be tested again in April to find out their results.
Hamlett said tests include a body composition test that determines body fat percentage, an agility speed drill and a forward fold flexibility measure. Strength tests include the maximum number of crunches and sit-ups completed in one minute as well as a timed plank test.
All tests will be recorded in an Excel spreadsheet for comparison at the end of the competition. Competitors will be put into categories that include Average Joe and Average Jane, Athletic and Special Needs.
“If we have students with special needs, we will change our tests specifically for them as needed,” Hamlett said in an email.
The most improved male and female of each division will receive a $150 Tri-State gift card, and Smith said participants who complete weekly online surveys during the competition will also be entered to win prizes. Smith said competitors will keep track of nutritional intake in a food journal that will be assessed by majors enrolled in health, physical education, recreation and dance courses.
Madeline Kroll, UI Student Recreation Board vice chair, said competitors will be awarded a card for five free wellness classes if they meet the halfway point. She said there may also be an option for progress testing halfway through the competition, with a “Vandal Iron Man” or team obstacle course.
“(This event is) an opportunity for students to receive professional advice if they want it,” Kroll said. “With this program, this is a great chance … to not feel as intimidated (to workout).”
Kroll and Smith will compete in the challenge and advise students to “like” the Vandal Fitness Challenge Facebook page for surveys, updates, lectures and instructional fitness videos.
“(The competition) is scary,” Kroll said. “It’s good to show other students that we feel nervous about it too.”
Registration and pre-testing is already underway and today is the last chance to sign up, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and again from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the SRC lobby. Student ID is required and there is a $10 registration fee that will be deducted from student accounts upon registration.
Registrants receive a free water bottle and a “Just Get Fit” T-shirt upon completion in April.