ASUI Senate

Open Forum
Lance Corporal Phil Sulzen, public affairs officer for the Veteran’s Club, proposed a new position for either the Senate or executive branch. The position would be titled, Veteran Military Liaison, and would serve as a liaison for veterans to the Senate and help with veteran outreach projects including the formation of a student mentoring program.
Danielle Merriman, executive board chair for the Sustainability Center, provided an update on the Sustainability Center’s projects. They recently held a bike rally, are working with ITS to replace printer paper with 50 percent recycled paper, installing water bottle refill stations in the Idaho Commons and establishing a student-run program to increase campus recycling.
Jessica Reynolds, agricultural science student affairs treasurer gave a presentation on the Clearwater Corn Maze which will open in October, and asked the Senate to spread the word of the fundraising event.
Presidential Communications
ASUI President Samantha Perez gave her State of ASUI Address, that highlighted her goals for the semester.
Her first goal is to revamp the student activity fee process by auditing groups who receive funds to ensure they are being allocated properly and revoke funding from groups who are not using the funds as intended.
Perez’s second goal is to implement the Vandal Community Hour, which will be presented to the faculty senate in November. The proposed time slot is from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m Mondays. To make up for the lost hour on Mondays, classes on Wednesdays and Fridays during this slot would be one hour and 15 minutes, similar to Tuesday and Thursday class scheduling.
The third goal is to make ASUI more visible on campus and in Idaho. She will meet with Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter to discuss finances regarding this purpose.
Perez’s fourth and final goal is to make the ASUI office more accessible to students through a remodel, which would provide storage space for 35 to 50 groups instead of the nonexistent spaces allotted currently. The bill approving this renovation is currently in committee, and if approved, would allot $45,000 for construction to take place during Winter Break.
Approval of the Appointments
All appointments are approved, approving Nicole Montgomery and Rian Miller to the Communications Board, Christine Woeller, Julius Brooks and Natalie Hardin to the Activities Board and Sarah Asmus to the Idaho Commons and Unions Board.
Committee Reports
Ways and Means met and discussed absences.
Finance had no report.
Government Operations and Appointments met with possible employees and approved them for their positions.
Rules and Regulations met and passed Bill F11-34.
Unfinished Business
Bill F11-30, appointing Rachel Hackwith to ASUI Vandal Entertainment Board Lectures and Performing Arts Chair, is passed.
Bill F11-31, appointing Madeline Kroll to ASUI Student Recreation Board Vice Chair, is passed.
Bill F11-32, appointing Ana Reed to ASUI Commons and Union Board Retail Coordinator, is passed.
Bill F11-35, appointing Caley Mercer to ASUI Commons and Union Board Art Coordinator, is passed.
Bill F11-36, appointing Dara Barney to ASUI Communications Board Vice Chair, is passed.
Bill F11-37, appointing Cody Earl to ASUI Commons and Union Board Vice Chair, is passed.
Bill F11-38, appointing Michael Shea O’Donnell to ASUI Communications Board Community Relations Coordinator, is passed.
Bill F11-39, appointing Amanda Niekenke to ASUI Communications Board Elections Coordinator, is passed.
After discussion, and clarification concerning absences and penalties, Bill F11-34, amending the duties of the Pro-Tempore to a single office hour per week instead of two, is passed.
New Business
Bill F11-44 is moved to an immediate vote. After a five-minute recess to check the ASUI constitution, the bill, changing the ASUI senate meeting from 7 to 6 p.m. Oct. 5, is passed.
Bill F11-40, amending the activities board bylaws, is passed.
Bill F11-41, amending ASUI rules and regulations, is passed.
Bill F11-43, increasing student access to information about the senate, is passed.
Bill F11-45, budgeting $45,000 for the remodel of the ASUI office, is sent to committee.
Vice Presidential Communications
ASUI Vice President Juan Corona reminded Senators that Homecoming is soon and to show their support.
He also thanked Sen. Ada Fryer for her work organizing the ASUI Open House.
Pro-Tempore Bruno Bennett reminded Senators that if they sign up for Popcorn Fridays, they need to show up or they will be marked with an unexcused absence.
Sen. Allie Fuller said the Ways and Means committee talked about absences, and reminded everyone that three tardies are equal to one unexcused absence.
Sen. Fryer said they received a thank you card from the organizers of Oktoberfest and it is displayed in the office.
Sen. Jacob Marsh said the Video Coverage of ASUI Senate bill is in Rules and Regulations and offered to answer any questions Senators may have about the bill.

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