ASUI monument to be built in front of P1FCU Kibbie Dome

President Martha Smith continues to encourage students to register to vote

Director of Traditions, Justin Carpenter, talks about ASUI’s plans for homecoming | John Keegan | Argonaut

The university will be commissioning a recognition monument for ASUI in recognition for their “enduring legacy of support for the [P1FCU Kibbie] Dome and many other vital campus resources,” according to the Department of Student Involvement. This permanent monument will be a reminder of the vibrant Vandal community that has been built. President Martha Smith is on the ASUI Recognition Monument Creative Committee and has been reviewing the submissions received for the monument design. 

A member of the Never Again Foundation, who asked to be identified as William, spoke about antisemitism on campus during an open forum during this week’s ASUI meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18. 

His particular concern regarded the Palouse Democratic Socialists of America, and rumors of antisemitic speech within their meetings. William plans to brief ASUI senators about ongoing campus antisemitism throughout the semester and hopes to work with them to ensure it will not persist. 

Justin Carpenter, ASUI Director of Traditions, spoke about homecoming. ASUI plans to have a trailer downtown and a float in the parade during homecoming, something that has not been done in recent years. He has been working with the Student Alumni Relations Board on the 5K tradition, a marathon around campus with stops at places like the P1FCU Kibbie Dome. The Student Alumni Relations Board focuses on connecting students and alumni through Vandal Pride and tradition with events such as this, according to their website. 

Josie Gaturuturu, ASUI Director of Diversity and Inclusion has been working on allocating funds for students to attend the upcoming African and Bangladesh nights, as well as creating a project that focuses on voter and student rights – a “Know Your Rights” segment.  

Taylor McKinnon, ASUI Director of Sustainability has been partnering with the Student Sustainability Cooperative and the International Programs Office to conduct a coat drive that will collect clothes from students on campus and local thrift shops for those in need. She has also been involved in discussions about the new composting system on campus, which is still a work in progress. 

Lezly Macias, ASUI Director of Community and Civic Engagement has been actively involved in making sure students have access to voter registration information. This included creating an Instagram account,, that presents important dates and registration information. 

Smith has been working relentlessly on encouraging as many Vandals to vote as possible and, with that, she has secured a grant of $800 to purchase food for voting day. Her goal is to draw people to the polls with the incentive of food. Additionally, Smith has been working with the university to make sure there is Narcan available in multiple locations, and that it is distributed in a conscious and clear way. 

Currently, ASUI has two open cabinet positions: Director of Academics and Director of Resources. Students interested in applying can visit the ASUI office at ISUB Room 301.  

Rebekah Weaver can be reached at [email protected]. 

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